Playing in the ever changing environment of the mountains that surround us, we feel a strong connection to the wilderness. If we are to be the next generation of businesses, the well-being of our planet is as important as the welfare of our animals. Therefore, we decided to opt for the most sustainable and environmentally-conscious products we can get our paws on. From natural local shampoos and conditioners, biodegradable toys, hemp dog towels, recycled handmade leashes, down to eco friendly detergents and cleaning products.



After exploring the natural playground of Whistler with our mud-covered dog Deus, we were puzzled by how little options we had to get him all cleaned up. One walk expanded to a vision. Word in the dog park was that our fellow canine owners had to travel quite far to get their adventure buddies groomed. Not only was this inconvenient, but it also meant a great expenditure of vehicle emissions.


adjective [fetch-ing]

charming, captivating.